Thursday, December 15, 2011

12/15 - Migration to the New ProQuest Interface

Over the winter break the library will be switching several databases to a new ProQuest interface. The new ProQuest interface also merges the old CSA Illumina databases with the old ProQuest databases. The new interface offers additional features such as searching multiple databases more easily and selecting facets from the results.

Databases from ProQuest or Cambridge Scientific (CSA) that will migrate to the new ProQuest interface:

ProQuest Databases

Ethnic NewsWatch: A History (ENWH)
GenderWatch (GW)
Nursing & Allied Health Source
ProQuest Newspapers
Subset: ProQuest Newsstand
American Periodicals Series Online
ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Tribune (1849 - 1987)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1922)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851 - 2007)

Illumina (CSA) Databases

ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Database
Materials Research Database with METADEX
PAIS Archive
PAIS International
Physical Education Index
PILOTS (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
Pollution Abstracts
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Social Services Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts

Please let us know if you have any questions about the new interface or problems accessing your library resources.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/09 - Congratulations WSU Graduates! More information can be found here--

The Krueger Library would like to congratulate our fall 2011 WSU graduates. For information about the WSU commencement ceremony on Friday, December 9, 2011, please visit the WSU commencement information page:

Monday, December 5, 2011

12/12 - Library Hours - Winter Break

The Krueger Library hours change over the winter break. Please check our library hours web page for official hours we are open.

December 2011
9 Friday 7:30am-5:00pm
10-11 Saturday-Sunday Closed
12-16 Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:00pm
17-18 Saturday-Sunday Closed
19-22 Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:00pm
23-26 Friday-Monday Closed
27-30 Tuesday-Friday 7:30am-5:00pm
31 Saturday Closed

January 2012
1-2 Sunday-Monday Closed
3-6 Tuesday-Friday 7:30am-5:00pm
7 Saturday Closed
8 Sunday 1:00pm-9:00pm

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

12/02 - Library hours for finals weekend/week

Check out our Library hours for finals weekend and week:

Study a little longer this weekend!

December 2 Friday 7:30am-10:00pm
December 3 Saturday 10:00am-10:00pm
December 4 Sunday 11:00am-2:00am
December 5-7 Monday-Wednesday 7:30am-2:00am
December 8 Thursday 7:30am-7:00pm
December 9 Friday (Commencement) 7:30am-5:00pm

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11/21 - Library Hours Thanksgiving week

The Library is opened limited hours during the Thanksgiving week.

Monday November 21 - 7:30am-2:00am
Tuesday November 22 - 7:30-10:00pm
Wednesday November 23 - 7:30am-5:00pm

The Library is CLOSED Thursday November 24-Saturday November 26.

The Library reopens for normal hours on Sunday November 27 from 1pm-2am.

For more information please visit our Library hours web page.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/11 - Library Closed on Veterans Day

The Darrell W. Krueger Library will be closed on Friday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. The Library will reopen Saturday, November 12, at 10:00am.

11/09 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Boom, Pop, Exploding into Modernity: Gino Severini and the First Futurist Exhibition, 1912

Please join us on Wednesday, November 9, at 1pm for
"Boom, Pop, Exploding into Modernity: Gino Severini and the First Futurist Exhibition, 1912" presented by Matt Lindaman.

2012 is the 100 year anniversary of the first Futurist artist exhibition in Paris. Professor Lindaman will discuss one of the featured artists, Gino Severini, and other Futurists in relation to the pre-WWI tensions.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/26 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Engaged Student Learning through Living History Documentaries

Please join us on Wednesday, October 26, at 1pm for "Engaged Student Learning through Living History Documentaries" presented by
Robin O'Callaghan and Jim Reynolds.

"What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand." This famous and often-cited Chinese proverb says it all! Learning by doing (i.e., active learning) can be a more effective approach to learning. Engaging students in hands-on, problem-based learning challenges them to become meaningfully involved with their education by requiring the direct application of classroom knowledge and skills. The WSU Living History project is a perfect example of this. The project is a video archive of former employees and their contributions, achievements and recollections about their career produced by Mass Communication students. During this presentation audience members will learn how creating video can help engage students in learning regardless of the discipline.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/19 - Athenaeum at 1pm - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Farm

Please join us on Wednesday, October 19, at 1pm for "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Farm" presented by Elizabeth Oness.

Professor Oness will present the diversity and functions of the ecosystem of her "rural home." The Oness farm is organic and biodynamic. They also grow and raise much of their own food. Professor Oness, through photographic documentation and humor, will share the story of their farm.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/12 - Athenaeum at 1pm - "Green" Marketing: For Profit or Posterity?

Please join us on Wednesday, October 12, at 1pm for "'Green' Marketing: For Profit or Posterity?" presented by Tanya Ryan.

Beginning in the 1990s and continuing today, corporations have begun to "push" the environmental movement through their advertising and branding narratives. Professor Ryan will examine the advertising of different corporations in an effort to determine how companies today are incorporating the environmental movement into their branding efforts, and concludes with an evaluation of whether or not the companies have simply appropriated the language of environmentalism, or if they are truly acting as agents of environmental action.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

10/5 - Word of the Week: nascent

nascent /nas-uh nt/ (adj).:

just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.

Monday, October 3, 2011

10/5 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Bedroom Farce: It's All About the Doors

Please join us on Wednesday, October 5, at 1pm for "Bedroom Farce: It's All About the Doors" presented by Jim Williams.

In conjunction with THAD's production of "Noises Off" by Michael Frayn, Professor Williams will address in this presentation the components of "farce" as a comic genre, and will be supplanted by demonstrations from students involved in the "Noises Off" production, which will be produced October 12-15, 2011. Please check the WSU box office for ticket availability.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/28 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Print Culture: William Blake's Night Thoughts and the Great Book Illustrations of the 1790s

Please join us on Wednesday, September 28, at 1pm for "Print Culture: William Blake's Night Thoughts and the Great Book Illustrations of the 1790s" presented by Chuck Ripley.

Professor Ripley will highlight some of the prints from the WSU Watkins Collection to analyze William Blake's illustrations to Night Thoughts in the context of the Great Illustrated Book Projects of the 1790s.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

9/21 - Word of the Week: comely

comely /
kuhm-lee/ (adj.):

1. fair, pretty, beautiful
2. pleasing or agreeable

Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/21 - Athenaeum at 1pm - America's Worst Maritime Disaster: The Sinking of the Steamboat "Sultana"

Please join us on Wednesday, September 21, at 1pm for "America's Worst Maritime Disaster: The Sinking of the Steamboat 'Sultana'" presented by Jim Erickson.

The Steamboat "Sultana" was a Mississippi River paddle wheeler which was destroyed by an explosion and fire north of Memphis in 1865. Of the over 1,000 people who died, the majority were Union soldiers returning home after being released from Confederate prison camps in GA and AL. This discussion will review some Civil War events at the time, a little steamboat history, and newspaper articles and survivor accounts of this tragedy.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

9/14 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Stones in My Passway: The Road from Blues to Rock

Please join us on Wednesday, September 14, at 1pm for "Stones in My Passway: The Road from Blues to Rock" presented by Paul Vance.

Paul Vance will examine the ways in which the American blues developed into "rock" music in the 1960s. With the music of Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, and Howlin' Wolf as a point of origin, this discussion will describe the ways in which groups such as Cream, the Yardbirds, and the Rolling Stones took these American models and created a new musical genre.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9/7 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Improving Assessment Efforts to Evaluate the Digital Life and Learning Program

Please join us on Wednesday, September 7, at 1pm for "Improving Assessment Efforts to Evaluate the Digital Life and Learning Program" presented by Kenneth Janz, Ken Graetz, and and James Reineke.

Since implementing its one-to-one laptop program in 1997, Winona State University has been a living, mobile computing laboratory; however, gaps in our assessment strategy emerged, requiring a more comprehensive approach. Working with students and faculty, a plan was developed and implemented in the fall of 2010. The plan has all ready resulted in improvements to student and faculty support as well as a better understanding of how technology facilitates teaching and learning. Data collected to date and lessons learned will be presented and discussed.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/29 - Word of the Week: incipient

incipient /in-sip-ee-uh nt/ (adj.):
beginning; commencing; coming into, or in an early stage of, existence; in an initial stage.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

08/25 - Library Athenaeum Schedule Fall 2011

We are excited to announce the Library Athenaeum schedule for the fall 2011 semester. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to attend these excellent events.

Friday, August 19, 2011

08/21 - Where is my class? WSU Building Abbreviations & Map

WSU Campus Map

WSU Building Abbreviations:
GI: Gildemeister Hall
LO: Lourdes (West Campus)
MA: Maxwel Hall
ME: Memorial Hall
MI: Minne Hall
MR: Maria (West Campus)
NL: Darrell W. Krueger Library (New Library)
PA: Pasteur Hall
PC: Performing Arts Center (PAC)
PH: Phelps Hall
SL: Science Lab Building
SO: Somsen Hall
ST: Stark Hall
WA: Watkins Hall
WR: Wabasha Recreational Center

Thursday, August 18, 2011

08/18 - Regular Academic Library Hours Begin Monday

The Darrell W. Krueger Library will begin its regular academic year schedule on Monday, August 22. Library hours will be:

Monday–Thursday 7:30 am - 2:00 am
Friday 7:30 am - 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 am

The library will continue with summer hours until Monday. The library will be closed on Saturday, August 20, and be open on Sunday, August 21, 1:00pm-9:00pm.

Hours vary during holidays, finals week, and interim sessions. For a current listing of hours consult the Library's web page or call the information tape 457-5140.

Monday, July 18, 2011

7/18 - Word of the week - acrid

Word of the week - acrid (adj.)\ˈa-krəd\

1. sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor
2. deeply or violently bitter : acrid denunciation

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7/5 - Word of the week - yare

Word of the week - yare- /yɑr/ (adj.)
1. quick; agile; lively.
2. (of a ship) quick to the helm; easily handled or maneuvered.
3. Archaic .
a. ready; prepared.
b. nimble; quick.

Monday, June 27, 2011

6/29 - Word of the Week - puckish

Word of the week - puckish -/ˈpəkiSH/ (adj.)
1. mischievous; impish; playful, esp. in a mischievous way

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6/24 - WSU Krueger Library summer hours

Krueger Library summer hours are available at this web page:

6/23 - Access to WSU Library Databases - Restored

Login access has now been restored. You can login with your WSU username and password or your library barcode and last name.

**Please note that for WSU students your WSU username and password will not work to login (this is temporary issue we hope will be resolved soon).**

Researching off campus? To access WSU databases use your 14 digit barcode (as your username) and your last name (as your password).

6/23 - Word of the Week - prolix

Word of the Week - prolix - \proh-LIKS\ (adj.)

1. Unduly prolonged or drawn out : too long
2. (of a person) given to speaking or writing at great or tedious length.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6/15 - Word of the Week - desultory

Word of the Week - desultory - /ˈdesəlˌtôrē/ (adj.)
1. Having no set plan; haphazard or random.
2. Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected: a desultory speech or conversation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/17 - Have you read Blue Lash by Jim Armstrong?

The Book is Dead. Long Live the Book.

Have you read the book, Blue Lash, by James Armstrong?

The Krueger Library's copy can be found in our main collection (2nd floor) with the call number PS3551 R4676.

"James Armstrong’s poems sit at the knees of a mute interlocutor, full of power and restraint—the massive, indifferent, moody, beckoning Lake Superior. Influenced by Neruda, Petrarch, Lowell, and the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer, Armstrong measures the clang and conceits of civilization against the force of water. " - Milkweed Press

The Book is Dead. Long Live the Book - is a series celebrating the book. Sponsored by the Krueger Library.

Monday, May 2, 2011

5/2 - Word of the Week: dénouement

Word of the Week - dénouement /dey-noo-mä/ (noun):

the final unraveling of the complications of a plot in a drama, novel, etc.; the final solution or issue of a complication, difficulty, or mystery.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/25 - Word of the Week: verdant

Word of the Week - verdant /vur-dnt/ (adj):
1. green with vegetation; covered with growing plants or grass: a verdant oasis;
2. of the color green: a verdant lawn;
3. inexperienced; unsophisticated

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18 - Extended Library Weekend Hours

The Krueger library will be open extended hours during the next two weekends:

Friday, April 22 7:30am - 10:00pm
Saturday, April 23 10:00am - 10:00pm

Friday, April 29 7:30am - 10:00pm
Saturday, April 30 10:00am - 10:00pm
Sunday, May 1 11:00am - 2:00am

During Finals Week, May 2-May 6, the library hours will be:

Monday-Wednesday, May 2-May 4 7:30am - 2:00am
Thursday, May 5 7:30am - 7:00pm
Friday, May 6 [Commencement] 7:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday, May 7- 8 CLOSED

For additional information about the library's hours, please visit:

4/18 - Word of the Week: draconian

draconian / drhu-koh-nee-uhn, drey-/ (adj.):

1. rigorous; unusually severe or cruel: Draconian forms of punishment.

2. of, relating, to, or characteristic of Draco, the Athenian law scribe; or the severe code of law held to have been framed by him.

Monday, April 11, 2011

4/13 - Athenaeum at 1pm - A History of Murder and Exile in a Poetry Format

Join us on Wednesday, April 13, at 1pm for the last Athenaeum of the Spring 2011 semester, "A History of Murder and Exile in a Poetry Format" presented by Nancy Kay Peterson

Nancy Kay Peterson will read her poetry as well as discuss the process of creating a poetry chapbook that tells a historical narrative. Nancy Kay Peterson's chapbook, published by Finishing Line Press, tells the story of her great-great uncle Arne Kulterstad (1825-1902) through the voices of different characters. He was convicted of murder in Valdres, Norway and sentenced to death. An editorial campaign by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson saved his life. He was imprisoned, eventually pardoned and exiled to America to settle near relatives in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. Ms. Peterson will describe how she discovered the story, conducted the research and created the chapbook.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public. For additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

4/11 - Word of the Week: pithy

pithy /pi-th-ee/ (adj.):

Brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning, terse; forcible: a pithy observation.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/7 - Word of the Week: reticent

Word of the Week - reticent /ret-uh-suh-nt/ (adj.): disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

4/6 - Athenaeum at 1pm - A Poetry Reading

Join us on Wednesday, April 6, at 1pm for a poetry reading by James Armstrong's ENG412: Advanced Creative Writing - Poetry students.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public. For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3/31 - Word of the Week: malediction

Word of the Week - malediction /mal-uh-DIK-shun / (n.): 1. the utterance of a curse against someone or something; 2. slanderous accusation or comment.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

3/30 Athenaeum at 1pm - We the People: Preparing Students and Voters as Citizens for 2012

Join us on Wednesday, March 30, at 1pm for “We the People: Preparing Students and Voters as Citizens for 2012” presented by Kara Lindaman.

Winona State University’s American Democracy Project is collaborating with the Minnesota Campus Compact and the Center for Democracy and Citizenship to launch the two-year “We the People” project “which will develop student citizen leaders through a series of events designed to build their skills, connections, commitment and capacities to lead efforts addressing the issues they care about most. While students value leadership development and civic engagement opportunities offered at their campuses and in local communities, they also yearn for more opportunities to gather regionally and statewide, and the staff and faculty who work with them often request more events such as those proposed here. This project responds to that desire and builds on the distinctive strengths of both partner organizations to provide students with trainings and experiences that will support their leadership in all aspects of life.

The Minnesota We the People Project will engage at least 150 college and university students from across Minnesota in four regional workshops offered in Spring 2011 at campuses interested in hosting, followed by a weekend Student Citizen Leadership Summit held at a retreat site in Fall 2011. A variety of follow-up activities led by the participating students—with consultative support from Minnesota Campus Compact and the Center for Democracy and Citizenship available to them—will reach at least 1000 additional students. Through evaluation forms at the end of each event, surveys, and other follow-up communications, we will measures results. Indicators of success will include at least 80% of participants reporting increased ability to communicate their public narrative; increased capacity to build relationships with others who are different; a new framework for citizen leadership; personal growth; new ideas and intentions for action; and a better understanding of the organizational resources available to support them moving forward.”

Monday, March 21, 2011

3/23 - Athenaeum at 1pm - American Landscapes of Thomas Cole and Albert Bierstadt by Heather MacGaw

Join us on Wednesday, March 23, at 1pm for “American Landscapes of Thomas Cole and Albert Bierstadt” presented by Heather MacGaw.

Curator of Education at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Heather MacGaw will discuss the American painters Thomas Cole and Albert Bierstadt with regards to how both used painting to express their views of America. Incorporating the themes of manifest destiny and identity we will explore these American artists who helped to define American landscape in the 19th century.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public. For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

3/21 - Word of the Week: alacrity

alacrity /uh-lak-ri-tee/ (noun):

1. cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness

2. liveliness; briskness

Monday, March 14, 2011

3/14 - Word of the Week: jocular

jocular /jok-yuh-ler/ (adj):

1. Of persons: disposed to joking or jesting; speaking or acting in jest or merriment.

2. Of speech or action: said or done in a joke; comic, humorous, funny.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

3/16 Athenaeum at 1pm - The Beatles and the Rediscovery of America by Paul Vance

Join us on March 16, 2011 at 1:00pm for our Library Athenaeum titles The Beatles and the Rediscovery of America presented by Paul Vance, Professor, Music Department.

The arrival of the Beatles in America in February, 1964 has often been called “The British Invasion”. This presentation will investigate the ways in which The Beatles and their music helped America recover from a National tragedy and revitalize the American art of rock and roll.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the Krueger library, bluff side.

3/7 Word of the Week: placid

plac·id/ˈplasid/ (adj.)

1. (of a person or animal) Not easily upset or excited.
2. (esp. of a place or stretch of water) Calm and peaceful, with little movement or activity.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3/3 - Library Hours: Spring Break

The Library hours for the week of spring break are:

Saturday-Sunday, 5-6, CLOSED
Monday-Friday, 7-11, 7:30am-5:00pm
Saturday, 12, CLOSED
Sunday, 13, Regular Hours: 1:00pm-2:00am

Please see the library's hours page for more information:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

3/2 Athenaeum at 1pm - Recruit & Develop: Building a Championship Football Program

Join us on Wednesday, March 2, at 1pm for “Recruit & Develop: Building a Championship Football Program” presented by Steve Opgenorth.

This presentation and discussion will be focused on the recruitment and development of student-athletes within our football program here at Winona State University. It will focus on leadership and character development, as well as ways to identify the characteristics to seek in successful student-athletes. This recruitment discussion is applicable to any person in a leadership position looking to further his/her understanding of the recruiting process in athletics or business.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public.

For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

2/28 Word of the Week: protean

pro·te·an /ˈprōtēən/ (adj.)

1. Tending or able to change frequently or easily.

2. Able to do many different things; versatile.

2/21 Word of the Week: irenic

Word of the Week - irenic /ahy-ren-ik/ (adj.): tending to promote peace or reconciliation; peaceful or concilatory.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2/23 Athenaeum at 1pm - The Decorative Unconscious: Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, and Judy Ledgerwood

Join us on Wednesday, February 23, at 1pm for “The Decorative Unconscious: Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, and Judy Ledgerwood” presented by Vittorio Colaizzi.

In modern art and criticism, “decorative” has been considered the ultimate insult, implying frivolity and capitulation to the needs of the privileged. And yet many artists have used decoration to expand concepts of the pictorial (Matisse) and to critique often male-dominated aesthetic orthodoxies (Miriam Schapiro). Upon closer examination, it is apparent that decoration is not an identifiable quality, but a field of overlapping ones. The three abstract painters mentioned here have explicitly denied the decorative in their work. Nevertheless, the way they produce meaning depends on their creative exploitation of aspects of decoration.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public.

For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/17 - Have you read Moby-Dick or the Whale?

The Krueger Library is sponsoring a slide series celebrating the Book. The series is titled: The Book is Dead. Long Live the Book.

The first book of the series is Moby-Dick or the Whale, by Herman Melville. It was completed in 1851. "An epic of a literal and metaphysical quest, Moby-Dick belongs to no genre. Although charaters appear and disappear without explanation and the point of view changes, the book succeeds...although his contemporaries did not appreciate it....It was not until the 1920s that he [Melville] began to be recognized as one of the greatest American writers" - Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia

Moby-Dick or the Whale can be found in the WSU Krueger Library's Main collection with the following call numbers PS2384 or PS2380.

2/14 - Word of the Week: Nefarious

Word of the Week: Nefarious /ni-fair-ee-uhs/ (adj.): wicked, iniquitous, villainous.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2/7 - Word of the Week: Moxie

Moxie /mok-see/ (noun):

U.S. Slang - courage, determination, vigor 'guts,' 'nerve'; the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

Follow the library's Word of the Week on Facebook:

2/9 Athenaeum at 1pm - How Genre Informs Contemporary Literature

Join us on Wednesday, February 9, at 1pm for “How Genre Informs Contemporary Literature” presented by Nicholas Ozment.

Margaret Atwood. Cormac McCarthy. Susanna Clarke. Michael Chabon. Chuck Palahniuk. Toni Morrison. You will not find these critically acclaimed authors in the science-fiction, fantasy, horror, or mystery sections of the bookstore, yet they have all written novels that are informed by those genres. Nicholas Ozment, who has long studied the intersections of genre and literary fiction, will discuss how these writers draw upon genre to create resonant works of literary fiction. He will also address this question: What raises a work of literature above genre?

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public.

For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

Monday, January 31, 2011

2/2 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Bridging the Gap: Strengthening International Relationships through Study Abroad at WSU

Join us on Wednesday, February 2, at 1pm for “Bridging the Gap: Strengthening International Relationships through Study Abroad at WSU” presented by Vanessa Fernandez Greene and Caroline Niesen.

Vanessa Fernandez Greene and Caroline Niesen will discuss the government’s initiatives in supporting study abroad to improve U.S.-foreign relations and discuss how this impacts WSU study abroad students (particularly when they return from their experience). They will also have a panel of nontraditional (e.g., non-foreign language majors) study abroad students discuss their experiences in attempt to show the benefits of study abroad for all students.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public.

For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

1/31 - Word of the Week: Tenacious

Word of the Week - tenacious /tuh-ney-shuhs/ (adj.):

1. not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object that one holds, a position, or a principle;

2. not easily dispelled or discouraged; persisting in existence or in a course of action.

Follow the library's Word of the Week on Facebook:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/29 - at 10pm Proquest Database Downtime - Maintenance

ProQuest Databases will be performing infrastructure maintenance on January 29, 2011.

A twelve (12) hour maintenance window will be required for this maintenance.

The window will take place from Saturday, January 29 at 10:00pm CST to Sunday, January 30 at 9:00am CST.

The following products will be unavailable during these windows:

- ProQuest platform products such as:

- ProQuest Historical Newspapers

- Proquest Nursing

- American Periodicals Series

- Chadwyck-Healey products only in North America

- CSA Illumina products such as CSA Technology Research Database,

Illustrata: Natural Sciences, and CSA Sociological Abstracts

- ProQuest Digital Sanborn Maps

Eastern Standard Time: Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 22:00 for twelve

(12) hours

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/26 - Word of the Week - Copacetic

Word of the Week: copacetic /koh-puh-set-ik/ (adj.):
1. in excellent order;
2. fine;
3. going just right, OK.

Follow the library's Word of the Week on Facebook:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/26 - Athenaeum at 1pm - The Partnership Between WSU and the Frozen River Film Festival

On Wednesday, January 26, 2011, at 1pm on the second floor of the library, Crystal Hegge, Jeanine Sorensen, and Diane Stevens will present "The Development of the Partnership Between Winona State University and the Frozen River Film Festival." Crystal Hegge is the Festival Director and Jeanine Sorensen and Diane Stevens are Festival Coordinators.

Winona State University and the
Frozen River Film Festival began a partnership in 2006, spearheading an event that would change the way Winona sees winter. Through the course of the festival’s six years, the partnership has grown to include student interns, faculty commitments and media collaboration. Come to this presentation to receive an in depth history of this important relationship. 2011 festival trailers will also be shown.

The Library Athenaeum is free and open to the public. The Athenaeum is located on the second floor bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Spring 2011 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

1/17 - Word of the Week

The Krueger Library's Word of the Week:

didactic /dahy-dak-tik/ (adjective)
1. intended for instruction; instructive.
2. teaching or intending to teach a lesson.

Follow the library's Word of the Week on Facebook:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11 - Library Hours for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

The library's hours for this coming weekend are as follows:

Saturday, January 15 -10:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday, January 16 - 1:00pm to 9:00pm

In observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, the library will be closed on Monday January 17.

The Krueger Library hours for the Spring 2010 semester can be found at: