Monday, February 7, 2011

2/9 Athenaeum at 1pm - How Genre Informs Contemporary Literature

Join us on Wednesday, February 9, at 1pm for “How Genre Informs Contemporary Literature” presented by Nicholas Ozment.

Margaret Atwood. Cormac McCarthy. Susanna Clarke. Michael Chabon. Chuck Palahniuk. Toni Morrison. You will not find these critically acclaimed authors in the science-fiction, fantasy, horror, or mystery sections of the bookstore, yet they have all written novels that are informed by those genres. Nicholas Ozment, who has long studied the intersections of genre and literary fiction, will discuss how these writers draw upon genre to create resonant works of literary fiction. He will also address this question: What raises a work of literature above genre?

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Library, bluff side. The event is free and open to the public.

For the complete Spring 2011 Athenaeum schedule and for additional information about the Athenaeum, please visit the following:

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