Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

11/3 - Athenaeum at 1pm - A Treatment of Sky Color by Joyati Debnath

Please join us on Wednesday, November 3, at 1:00pm for "A Treatment of Sky Color” presented by Joyati Debnath.

In this presentation Professor Debnath will use Einstein’s “thought experiments” to broaden human knowledge about sky color. She will discuss several questions such as: when and why the sky is blue and not blue; how does the nature of light effect on what we see; how does the formation of clouds change the sky.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2010 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/27-Athenaeum-Using GigaPan High-Resolution Photography to Bring Virtual Field Experiences to the Classroom Lee Beatty & Candace Kairies Beatty

On October 27th Lee Beatty and Candace Kairies Beatty will present on "Using GigaPan High-Resolution Photography to Bring Virtual Field Experiences to the Classroom."

Lee Beatty, Assistant professor, Geoscience Department
Candace Kairies Beatty, Assistant professor, Geoscience Department

Field experiences are an important part of undergraduate education in the geosciences, but students’ field experiences are often limited by their geographic location, funding availability, etc. Using a GigaPan robotic camera mount to capture high-resolution panoramic images, we can provide a virtual field experience similar to actual fieldwork and give students opportunities to hone techniques, such as rock identification and mapping, that are usually associated with work in the field. This approach differs from the concept of a virtual field trip in that students are actively collecting and analyzing data rather than simply sightseeing online. During this presentation there will be a demonstration of the GigaPan robot, a discussion of how high-resolution panoramic images can be used in the classroom as well as a discussion of how the applications of the GigaPan technology are used in other areas.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

10/17-Reception for Mo & Dorothy Weber - Max Weber paintings!

On Sunday October 17 at 2:30pm there will be a reception on the second floor of the Library (Performing Arts Center side). The Webers have donated three Max Weber paintings over the last few years. This reception is to celebrate the recent installation of these paintings and thank Mo and Dorothy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/20-Athenaeum at 1pm - How the Connected Community Paves the Road to Sustainability? An Earth Way Perspective by James Reidy

Join us on Wednesday October 20th at 1pm for a presentation by James Reidy titled "How the Connected Community Paves the Road to Sustainability? An Earth Way Perspective."

James Reidy is an Associate Professor of Recreation, Tourism and Therapeutic Recreation (RTTR). He will speak about: the best path to sustainability is through our understanding and practice of a connected community. If, as a community, we examine the historical and economic conflict between the people of the First Nation and the European nation, we will be better equipped to pave a solid path to enhanced sustainability and secure a future for our children. During this presentation Professor Reidy will weave the audience through a tapestry of teachings, quotes, and songs from several tribes, which could be incorporated into a daily discipline in order to sustain the biotic and abiotic community.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the WSU Krueger Library, bluff side.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/13 - Athenaeum at 1pm - The Cycle of Love in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Fatal Interview by Gabe Dybing

Please join us on Wednesday, October 13, at 1:00pm for " The Cycle of Love in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Fatal Interview” presented by Gabe Dybing.

In the midst of the Modernist literary movement, Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950) resisted poetic trends by continuing to work with outmoded “fixed forms,” most prominently with the sonnet. In one of her most famous sequences, Fatal Interview (1931), Millay subverts what had once been considered a “masculine” form, thereby redefining what it means to love, lust, and lose in the early twentieth century. Dybing will lecture and share poems particularly demonstrative of Millay’s restructuring methods.

Friday, October 1, 2010

10/06 - Athenaeum at 1pm - Siblings and Autism: Stories Spanning Generations and Cultures by Debra Cumberland

Please join us on Wednesday, October 6, at 1:00pm for "Siblings and Autism: Stories Spanning Generations and Cultures” presented by Debra Cumberland.

In recent decades, we have seen an extraordinary number of parent books, a mother or father driven to encompass the reality of autism in words: Clara Claiborne Parks’s Exiting Nirvana, Richard Grinker’s Unstrange Minds, Susan Senator’s Making Peace with Autism, and many, many more. From autobiographical “how-to” perspectives meant to teach interventions and thus “recover” a child to revelations into the hard realities and unique features of a different way of knowing, these books and others discern the landscape of autism as seen through the intimate lens of a parent. In all the various renderings of the life of autism, however, one voice is consistently missing or spoken from the margins: the sibling point of view. Professor Cumberland will talk about her experiences publishing an anthology that gave voice to the sibling experience, and what she learned in the process.

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor, bluff side of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. For the complete Fall 2010 Library Athenaeum schedule, please visit the following: