Monday, November 18, 2013

Become a technology advisor for the library!

Krueger Library is doing great things with technology. We’re redesigning our website, looking at library spaces, and constantly updating resources and instruction to improve the library experience. We would like you to be a part of this.

So we're creating a library technology student advisory group. Some things this group may do are: provide insight on current library website use, take part in user testing of various iterations of the new website, test out new hardware, and generally communicate student hopes, dreams, desires, and frustrations about library technology.

The group will meet about once a month starting Spring 2014, but will also exist as a list of members who are willing to complete questionnaires, test out equipment or websites, or even develop library software or apps. Membership from across the student spectrum is welcome, and you definitely don't have to be a "techie" to give your opinion! Students may be as involved as they wish, and are encouraged to help shape the future of the group. 

To sign up for the library technology student advisory group, go to  For more information, email Librarian Tammi Owens, Faculty and staff who are interested in providing similar feedback should contact Tammi Owens directly.

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