Friday, October 12, 2012

10/17 - Athenaeum at 2pm: Elections 2012! Voting in Winona and the Ballot Amendments

Please join us at 2:00pm on Wednesday, October 17, for Elections 2012! Voting in Winona and the Ballot Amendments presented by Kara Lindaman, Matt Bosworth, and Heather Hawkins.

Join us to learn about voting in Winona. There will be information available on: where do I vote, what offices can I vote for, and a description of the voter registration process. Our presenters will discuss voter turnout and the two amendments on the Minnesota Ballot. Kara Lindaman, professor of Political Science & Administration, will provide an overview of issues that affect voter turnout. Matt Bosworth, professor of Political Science & Administration, and Heather Hawkins, assistant professor of History, will discuss the ballot amendments for the state of Minnesota, the Voter Identification Amendment and the Same-Sex Marriage amendment respectively. There will be time for questions/answers. We hope this session will be informative for you as the Tuesday, November 6, 2012 elections are right around the corner. 

Please Note: This event starts at 2pm.

The Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the Krueger Library, bluff side.
For more information about the Athenaeum schedule, please visit our web site at:

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