Monday, January 28, 2013

01/30 Athenaeum at 1pm - What Do We Mean By "Liberal Arts"? by Dean Ralph Townsend

Please join us for our first Library Athenaeum of the spring 2013 semester.  Ralph Townsend, the WSU Dean of the College of Liberal Arts will present on the topic of What Do We Mean By "Liberal Arts"?
There are widely divergent concepts of what a “liberal arts” degree should mean, and, in particular, how a liberal arts degree should be structured in the first two years of education. (Note that the broad concept of "liberal arts", which includes the sciences and math, is implied here.) For WSU, the general education requirements for liberal arts majors are exactly the same as any other major. By comparison, private liberal arts colleges often have much elaborate distribution requirements and the expectations on writing are notably greater. This presentation discusses the nature of the differences in the definition of “liberal arts” and what are some of the drivers of these differences. It also discusses the question of whether WSU can or should aspire to a different definition of “liberal arts education.”

The Library Athenaeum is located on the second floor of the Krueger Library, bluff side.  For more information about the spring 2013 schedule, please visit our website: 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

01/17 - Library Athenaeum Schedule for Spring 2013

The WSU Krueger Library would like to share the Library Athenaeum schedule for the spring 2013 semester.  The Athenaeum hosts events that explore and enhance the intellectual life of the University and the region through lectures, readings, performances, discussions, and other events.

By bringing together scholars, performers, students, and community members for intellectual discussion and the sharing of cultural experiences, the Athenaeum reflects the importance the University places on the humanities, the arts, and the sciences.

All Athenaeum events begin at 1:00 PM and are held on the south end of the Library's second floor, unless otherwise noted.

Please check out our Library Athenaeum schedule here:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/13 - Welcome Back! Krueger Library Hours Info

Update: Krueger Library Hours

On Sunday, January 13th the Krueger Library is open from 1:00pm to 9:00pm and regular semester hours begin on Monday, January 14th.